Sassa R350 Grant Application Online

Sassa R350 Grant Application Online (2022) |

Sassa r350 grant application online. The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has opened Sassa SRD 350 application online.

Therefore, all South Africans who need the Covid-19 Social Relief Distress grant can apply now. In this article, we’re showing you the guidelines and processes involved in the Sassa r350 grant application online.


We’ll also look at some of the requirements for Sassa r350 grant application, application dates, etc. Also, we’ll also look at some of the frequently asked questions about SASSA R350 grant.

Sassa R350 Grant Application Online

Applications are open for all South African citizens and Refugees in South Africa who need Sassa r350 grant and they can apply online.

Follow the below guide when applying for the Sassa online application 2021 and Sassa online application 2022.

  1. Go here
  2. Enter your Mobile Number
  3. Click SMS
  4. You’ll receive a One Time Pin (OTP)
  5. Enter the OTP
  6. Continue to complete the SASSA R350 application by filling in the required information.
  7. Click Submit to send your application to SASSA
  8. You’ll receive an SMS showing your application has been successfully submitted.

You should be able to apply online for the Sassa r350 grant after following the process guideline above.

Again, you can apply via the Whatsapp number 082 046 8553

Moreover, you must apply once. Applying multiple times may cause you to not get approved for the Sassa r350 grant.

We do recommend that you read How To Apply For SASSA R350 Grant Online for the detailed guideline to apply successfully inline.

You’ll also get to know the Sassa r350 application opening date and closing date.

Important Links From Sassa

Sassa R350 Application Online Requirements

Applicants who want to apply for the covid-19 Social Relief Distress (SRD) grant must meet all the requirements for the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) r350 grant.

Below are the requirements for Sassa r350 application online.

  1. Applicants must be a South African citizen or
  2. The applicant must be a Refugee in South Africa
  3. Applicants Identification Document Number (ID Number) or
  4. Department of Home Affairs Refugee Permit Number
  5. Applicant must have a South African cell phone number
  6. Applicant Residential Address
  7. Applicants must provide gender
  8. Applicant must indicate any physical challenge or Disability (if applicable)
  9. You must be between the ages of 18 and 60 years old.

Again, applicants who apply for Sassa r350 must meet all the application requirements by providing all personal documents as requested by SASSA in order to complete the application for the r350 grant successfully.


How Do I Apply For Sassa R350 Grant Online?

You will have to go to the official Sassa SRD website to apply online for the Sassa r350 grant. The website is Again, you can apply through the SASSA Whatsaap number 082 046 8553.

How Do I Re Apply For Sassa R350 Grant?

Unfortunately, your application for Sassa r350 grant online may not be approved or accepted right on. This means your application can be declined.

Nonetheless, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) gives you the opportunity to re-apply for the Social Relief Distress (SRD) r350 grant if your previous application was unsuccessful.

You should read How To Reapply For Sassa R350 Grant for the easy guide to help you reapply for the grant successfully.

Sassa R350 Application Status Check

After submitting your Sassa r350 application to the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) to get Sassa r350 grant, you should start checking your application status a few days later.

Knowing the progress of your Sassa r350 grant is very important.

That is why we have published a full guide to help you to check the status of your r350 grant application.

We recommend that you see the guide from here Sassa R350 Grant Application Status Check for the detailed step-by-step process to check the status of your application successfully.

Sassa R250 Payment Dates

When you check your Sassa r350 grant application online status and you’re approved to get the grant, the next important thing is to know the dates you’ll be receiving your grants so you don’t miss out.

You should see SASSA Grant Payment Dates for the specific dates and months in which you should be prepared to get your grant.

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Important Link From Sassa