SASSA Grants payment dates for 2022

SASSA Grant Payment Dates for 2022

SASSA Grant Payment Dates for 2022: Are you a SASSA Grant beneficiary and want to know the payment dates for the year 2022? Do you want to know the scheduled dates for SASSA Grant payment?

Again, do you want to know when you are going to receive your Sassa Grant payment for 2022?


Well then, you’re at the right post.

In this article, we’re showing you Sassa grant payment dates for 2022. We’ll also show you the months in which you’ll get your Sassa Grant payments.

Moreover, we’ll show you the types of grants you’ll get in each month.

In addition, we’ll look at some of the frequently asked questions about Sassa Grant payment dates 2022.

So, let’s get to the discussion of the topics.

SASSA Grant Payment Dates For 2022

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has published the payment dates for all SASSA beneficiaries for the year 2022.

Therefore, all South African citizens who receive SASSA Grants are to make sure they know the dates for on which their grants will be paid to them.

Again, the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) released the SASSA Grants payments in a 3-month category payment scheduled plan.

So, let’s now see the 2022 dates for SASSA Grant payments.

SASSA Grants Payment Dates

Grants January February March
Older Persons Grants 4 January 2022 3 February 2022 3 March 2022
Disability Grants 5 January 2022 4 February 2022 4 March 2022
Children’s Grants 6 January 2022 7 February 2022 7 March 2022

SASSA Grants 2022 Payment Dates

SASSA Grant Payment Dates For January 2022

Below are the payment dates for SASS Grants for the month of January 2022.

Older Persons Grants:


The South African Social Security Agency has appointed 4 January 2022 as the payment date for Older Person’s Grants for January, the first month of 2022.

Disability Grants:

SASSA disability grants for the month of January will be paid on 5 January 2022.

All SASSA beneficiaries of SASSA disability grants are to go for their monies on the said date.

Important Links

Children’s Grants: SASSA Children’s Grants for the month of January will be paid on 6 January 2022. Beneficiaries are to get paid on the said date.

SASSA Grant Payment Dates For February 2022

Below are the dates scheduled for SASSA Grant payments for the month of February in 2022.

Older Persons Grants:

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will pay the Older Persons Grants for the month of the second month of the year on 3 February 2022.

Therefore, all old people who receive SASSA Grants are to go for their money with their documents on the said date.

Disability Grants:

SASSA Grant payments for disabled persons receiving SASSA Grants will get their money on 4 February 2022.

Children’s Grants:

SASSA Grants to children for the month of February are scheduled to be paid on 7 February 2022.

SASSA Grant Payments Dates For March 2022

Below are the payment dates for SASSA Grant for March 2022.


Older Persons:

Payment of Older Persons Grants by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) in 2022 will be paid on 3 March 2022.

Disability Grants:

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has scheduled to pay the SASSA Disability Grants for the third month of 2022 on 4 March 2022.

Children’s Grants:

Payment of SASSA Children’s Grants for the third month of 2022 is scheduled to be paid on 7 March 2022.

Now that we know the dates for payments of SASSA Grants, let’s look at some of the frequently asked questions about SASSA Grants payments dates.

Which Month Will I Get My SASSA Grants In 2022

The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) has chosen the first three months of 2022 to pay all beneficiaries of the grants.

The SASSA Grants payments are divided into three months categories which are:

  1. January
  2. February
  3. March

Therefore, beneficiaries of the SASSA Grant, including the Older Person’s Grant, Children’s Grant, and Disability Grants are to know the dates of their respective payments dates in each month.

To make personal inquiries you may go to

We do hope this article on SASSA Grants payment dates for 2022 was helpful?

Important Link From Sassa