87 percent of the rupee spent on our lives is discretionary expenditure. Food is very expensive somewhere, it is unbalanced. Often such things are taken in the name of food, which are not necessary, and such nutritious things are left, without which the human body remains underdeveloped. A few years later, Dr. Carmecord did a special study of the food expenditure of the workers. According to him, laborers buy unnecessary substances, their health is poor and they are young.
Balanced diet
The success of food depends not on its inflation, but on the balance and use of the right things. If you use your food properly then the powers of your stomach can increase in sufficient quantity. Walter V. Pitkin in his book ‘Life begins after the age of 40?’ It is written that a man can make his life force double with his physical strength by the right choice of food. Good food is cheap and easy.
A balanced person’s diet should be like this – rice 10 ounces, cereal 5 ounces, pulses 3 ounces, milk 8 ounces, leafless 6 ounces, leafy vegetables 4 ounces, lubricating 2 ounces, fruit 2 ounces.
In the morning, take a full milk or snack of any fruit juice for breakfast, in the afternoon keep one and a half loaf of fruit, roti dal and green salad salad. At four o’clock, if the apps appear, then take a cup of oranges or tomato juice or whey. Take vegetable and fruit in the evening. Drink a loaf of milk before sleeping. Use dry fruits and dry fruits as much as possible.
A quarter of the income should be spent in the food budget, so if you want only defensive food (without satisfying bad habits), then it can be perfect. If the income is very less, then most of the food will be spent.
Food and Savings
Should we save with the food budget? Not at all. You may save from clothing or house, but do not decrease with balanced diet. If you skimp in it, you will fall ill and double the money will be spent in medicine or doctor’s fees. We do not recommend you to eat valuables – sweets, pickles, wine, tea, biscuits, tea dumplings, shawl syrup, meat, cornflour, dish, marmalade – but recommend simple natural defensive foods that are healthy. This food will be cheaper.
If Ramlal 300) Rs. Rs. 100 per month and Sri Krishna only) Rs. If both monthly and expenses are accounted for, then it is natural that Ramlal can spend three times as much food than Krishna. It does not mean that Krishna should buy one third of the food. This means that instead of Ramlal, Krishna will have to be more careful on the budget of food and spend only on basic items and essential things. Ramlal can taste more and taste high food. But as far as defensive food is concerned, it will remain the same in both. Other foods are only for the taste of tongue, not for stomach or health. They have no utility in terms of health or long life.