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How to elevate the living standard? Part-1

To elevate the standard of living we have to look at our habits. According to the habits, the requirements continue to decrease accordingly. It has often been seen that low-class individuals spend money on meat and sweets, watch cinema, but have nothing but torn clothes on their bodies. The house is raw and dark. Habit is said to be man’s second nature. He who has the habit of drinking, will not be satisfied without drinking, he who is addicted to cinema or alcohol will be satisfied with that. Two human beings who receive the same salary, because of their habits, look poor or rich at a high level.

Habits are formed by our conscience. A person who wisely builds his habits is not a slave to habits, he is a slave to habits, he rules over them. There are two major factors that determine living conditions – (1) Use of discretion in spending money (2) Income to be spent. A person who gets more money can maintain a higher standard of living, education, etc. But even a person who spends money wisely with wisdom can also raise his standard of living. The expensive living does not indicate whether the status is really high or not. Some rich people spend like incomes even when there is no income.


Prof. Amarnarayan Agarwal has given beautiful examples of two people who spend full discretion and indiscretion. He is in his words as follows – ‘Ajit 200) and Ashish only 100). See you every month. But Ajit spends carelessly and thoughtlessly. He has a bad addiction to cinema etc. and spends half, or more than half, his income on them. He also spends the rest by eating food in a hotel without considering expensive clothes and using cheap luxury items. The activity of its total use is very low, its standard of living will definitely be low.

Ashish spends a lot of thought. He spends a fair share of his income on health-enhancing and vigorous diet, living in an open ventilated house cheaply and wearing clean durable clothes. He also spends a few rupees on education and also saves some for emergency. His standard of living is undoubtedly high. Although Ajit’s income is double than Ashish’s, Ashish’s standard of living is higher than Ajit’s. The reason for this is that Ashish spends with discretion and Ajit is negligent without understanding. Therefore, it is false to understand that the status of expensive living is also necessarily high, falsehood is absolute. ‘

India is a poor country. Ninety percent of the poor live here. The average per capita income is also low. Nowadays inflation is increasing rapidly. At such a time, poor people with expensive nature cannot avoid being ruined.

The true intention of a high standard of living is to fulfill all the prudent needs of man easily, nutritious food, healthy ventilated house and proper education, entertainment and savings. He is able to find satisfaction and fulfillment with future growth and self-development.